Employment Opportunities at ACT DPP

Employment Opportunities at ACT DPP

Note: If you do not understand some words in this document, you can find the meanings on the DPP website under ‘Commonly Used Terms’. Please click the Easy Read/Plain English version.

The Director of Public Prosecutions Office (DPP) offers a range of jobs including roles as lawyers, paralegals, admin support and witness assistance officers.

The Office aims to be a workplace that is fair and acts in the best interests of the people who live in the ACT. The Office also aims to give people the option of more detailed training and use modern ways of managing staff.

Having a job at the DPP will sometimes involve seeing and working on difficult cases with information or notes that can be hard to see. People who want to work at the DPP should know they might come across this information as part of their work.

Jobs with the Office are advertised at www.jobs.act.gov.au and might also be on other websites like Seek.com. If there are any current jobs, they can be found under the ‘Current Vacancies’ heading on this website.

The DPP also has a temporary job register. This is a website where you can submit your resume for a range of jobs that might open up.  You can apply under the ‘Temporary Employment Register’ heading on this website. Please know that if you apply for this register, your application will run out after 3 months. You can apply again if it runs out after this time.